
  • Proteomics Core
  • Advanced Imaging Cooperative Center

    The Advanced Imaging Cooperative Center (AICC) was established at the Grand Rapids Research Center in 2017 to serve as a resource for MSU investigators and other local research partners in the West Michigan area. The AICC has advanced confocal microscopy and transmission electron microscopy capabilities, which are under the direction of Dr. Nicholas Kanaan.

    Specifically, the AICC houses a Nikon A1+ Confocal System equipped with 4 solid state lasers (405, 488, 568 and 647 nm laser lines), 10x PlanApo objective (NA 0.45), 20x PlanApo VC objective (NA 0.75), 40x oil PlanFluor objective (NA 1.30), and 60x oil PlanApo Lambda objective (NA 1.40), five channel acquisitions (4 fluorescence channels and 1 transmitted light channel), a galvano scan head, GaAsP PMT detectors (green and red channels), automated objective and stage controls, a live-cell imaging stage chamber and Nikon Elements Confocal Module Software. This system allows for high resolution multi-label immunofluorescence image acquisition and analysis.

    The AICC also houses a JEOL 1400+ transmission electron microscope equipped with a 120kV electron gun, high contrast objectives, a high tilt single specimen holder, a standard single specimen holder, a 4 specimen holder, an 8 Megapixel wide angle CCD camera, an anti-vibration platform, and PC outfitted with SerialEM, IMOD and Chimera software. This system allows for ultrastructural analyses of biological samples as well as 3D-reconstructions and analysis.

    Please contact Dr. Kanaan for further inquiries regarding the AICC.

  • Leica LMD6500 Laser Capture Microdissection System

    The Leica LMD6500 laser capture microdissection (LCM) system combines an automated upright microscope, a UV-based dissecting laser beam, and three-dimensional optical control software to isolate and access specific populations of cells from surrounding tissue. In addition to brightfield microscopic applications using histologically or immunohistochemically stained tissue samples, fully integrated fluorescence filter cubes allow for LCM of multiple cell phenotypes from the same section. Collected cells can then be processed for downstream functional genomic studies of health and disease.

    Please contact Dr. Counts for further inquiries.

  • Zeiss AxioScan Digital Slide Scanning Microscope

    This instrument is an automated slide scanning microscope that generates digital images of standard microscope slides for downstream image analysis.  Both brightfield and fluorescence imaging are available. Current filter combinations allow detection of common fluors, including Qdots.  Viewing software may be shared widely, allowing digital images to be viewed, electronically transferred and manipulated off the instrument. Panning and zooming are easily accomplished with mouse control (similar to Google Earth). Two downstream image analysis packages allow assessment of morphometry, stain area, stain intensity and many other parameters.

    Please contact Dr. Gordon for further inquiries.

  • Sony SH800 Flow Cytometer/Cell Sorter

    This bench-top instrument can perform simple cell sorting for downstream analyses.  Two lasers (488 and 561 nm) and 4 detectors allow up to 3 color cell identification and flow cytometer visualization.  Consumable sorting chips feature nozzle sizes of 70, 100 and 130 µm. Two-way sorting into tubes or plates is available.  

    Please contact Dr. Gordon for further inquiries.

  • Mouse Behavior Suite

    Multiple user space in the vivarium houses testing equipment with lighting, computer access and software for individual labs to perform a wide variety of mouse behavioral and cognitive phenotyping.  Available tests include open field, novel object recognition, Y maze, rotarod, elevated plus maze, 3 chamber social interaction, social aggression tube, radial arm water maze, Morris water maze, forced swim tube, marble burying and passive avoidance.

    Please contact Dr. Gordon for further inquiries.