August News

August 30, 2023


  • David Morgan, PhD, will receive a Zenith Fellows Award from the Alzheimer’s Association, a $450,000 grant for the project “5HT2c treatment of psychological symptoms of dementia.”
  • Matthew Benskey, PhD, will receive $200,000 from the Alzheimer’s Association for “Investigating Mechanisms of Complement Mediated Synaptic Removal Following Tauopathy” (November 2023 - October 2026)
  • Caryl Sortwell, PhD, Joseph Patterson, PhD, Jack Lipton, PhD, and Kathy Steece-Collier, PhD, will receive the Synergy Award from the Department of Defense for $1,499,699 for “Modeling cognitive dysfunction in Parkinson’s disease and the impact of exercise” (September 2023 - August 2027).